26 OKR examples for Software Development Team

Creating impactful OKRs can be a daunting task, especially for newcomers. Shifting your focus from projects to outcomes is key to successful planning.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Software Development Team to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

Quarterly OKRs should have weekly updates to get all the benefits from the framework.

Spreadsheets are enough to get started. Then, once you need to scale you can use a proper OKRs-tracking platform to make things easier.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Software Development Team OKRs templates

We've added Software Development Team Objectives and Key Results, but also the initiatives that relate to the OKRs.

OKRs to improve software development team leadership effectiveness

  • ObjectiveImprove software development team leadership effectiveness
  • Key ResultImprove team efficiency by implementing agile practices and metrics to track progress
  • TaskConduct training on Agile practices and ensure all team members understand the principles
  • TaskImplement regular stand-up meetings to enhance communication, identify obstacles, and resolve them promptly
  • TaskUtilize Agile metrics like velocity and burndown charts to track progress and optimize productivity
  • TaskEstablish clear goals and prioritize tasks using Agile frameworks like Scrum or Kanban
  • Key ResultFoster effective communication and collaboration within the team to drive successful project delivery
  • TaskPromote cross-functional collaboration by assigning individuals from different departments to work together
  • TaskUtilize project management tools and software to streamline communication and document sharing
  • TaskImplement regular team meetings to discuss project updates, challenges, and opportunities
  • TaskEncourage open and honest communication to foster a collaborative and trusting environment
  • Key ResultIncrease team satisfaction and engagement through regular feedback and recognition
  • Key ResultEnhance technical skills by facilitating ongoing training programs and knowledge sharing sessions
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to enhance the quality of software releases through manual testing

  • ObjectiveEnhance the quality of software releases through manual testing
  • Key ResultIncrease manual test case effectiveness by 25%
  • TaskProvide continuous training for manual testing techniques
  • TaskImplement peer reviews for manual test case validation
  • TaskDevelop exhaustive, realistic use-cases scenarios for better test coverage
  • Key ResultReduce critical bugs in live software by 15%
  • TaskImplement rigorous testing procedures before software deployment
  • TaskRegularly update and debug software code base
  • TaskTrain developers in best practices for bug prevention
  • Key ResultRaise manual test coverage for each release to at least 95%
  • TaskIdentify areas of software currently lacking full manual testing
  • TaskDevelop comprehensive manual test plans for those areas
  • TaskTrain team to execute new test plans efficiently

OKRs to achieve proficiency as a middle level java developer

  • ObjectiveAchieve proficiency as a middle level java developer
  • Key ResultSuccessfully finish 2+ programming projects utilizing complex Java frameworks
  • TaskDedicate time each day to coding and project progress
  • TaskContinuously test and debug until projects are completed
  • TaskSelect two projects utilizing complex Java frameworks
  • Key ResultGet certified as a Sun Certified Java Programmer
  • TaskStudy and complete any prerequisite coursework or training
  • TaskResearch requirements for Sun Certified Java Programmer certification
  • TaskRegister and pass the certification exam
  • Key ResultComplete 3 advanced Java courses with a score of 85% or higher
  • TaskDedicate time daily to studying course material
  • TaskAim to achieve at least 85% on all tests/assignments
  • TaskResearch and enroll in 3 advanced Java courses

OKRs to improve software system design and logging framework expertise

  • ObjectiveImprove software system design and logging framework expertise
  • Key ResultCollaborate with senior engineers on at least two software design reviews and provide valuable insights
  • TaskPrepare for software design reviews by doing research and gathering relevant information
  • TaskActively participate in software design reviews by asking questions and offering suggestions
  • TaskSchedule meetings with senior engineers to discuss software design reviews
  • TaskDocument and share valuable insights and suggestions with senior engineers after the reviews
  • Key ResultConduct research on best practices and emerging trends in software system design
  • TaskEngage in discussions with industry experts and peers to gather insights on software system design best practices
  • TaskReview industry publications and online resources for current best practices in software system design
  • TaskAttend relevant conferences and webinars to stay updated on emerging trends in software system design
  • TaskSet up alerts and notifications for research papers and articles on software system design
  • Key ResultImplement logging framework in one project and analyze its effectiveness
  • TaskDefine and implement the desired log messages and their respective levels
  • TaskIntegrate the chosen logging framework into the project's codebase
  • TaskResearch and choose a suitable logging framework for the project
  • TaskAnalyze and measure the impact of the logging framework on project performance and debugging processes
  • Key ResultSuccessfully complete online course on software system design with a passing grade

OKRs to achieve production readiness for MassBalancer ISCC EU feature

  • ObjectiveAchieve production readiness for MassBalancer ISCC EU feature
  • Key ResultEnsure 100% documentation of the MassBalancer ISCC EU feature for user reference
  • TaskIdentify gaps in the current documentation
  • TaskReview existing documentation on the MassBalancer ISCC EU feature
  • TaskUpdate or create necessary documents to fill in gaps
  • Key ResultComplete all necessary development tasks associated with the MassBalancer ISCC EU feature
  • TaskFinalize the code for the MassBalancer ISCC EU feature
  • TaskTest the feature for efficiency and bug fixes
  • TaskRelease and integrate the feature into the main software platform
  • Key ResultSuccessfully conduct beta testing for MassBalancer ISCC EU with zero critical issues
  • TaskSet up and distribute MassBalancer ISCC EU to selected beta testers
  • TaskIdentify and resolve any critical issues immediately
  • TaskRegularly monitor and collect feedback from beta testers

OKRs to externalize authorization models from monolith

  • ObjectiveExternalize authorization models from monolith
  • Key ResultIdentify and list all authorization models by Week 2
  • TaskFinalize and submit the list by Week 2
  • TaskResearch various types of authorization models
  • TaskCatalogue each identified authorization model in a list
  • Key ResultSuccessfully migrate at least 90% of authorization models to the external component by Week 10
  • TaskMap current authorization models to the external component
  • TaskDevelop a detailed migration plan
  • TaskExecute migration and verify success rate
  • Key ResultDesign and develop a separate external component for authorization models by Week 6
  • TaskIdentify necessary features for authorization component
  • TaskDesign a prototype of the authorization component
  • TaskDevelop and test the authorization component

OKRs to implement automation in data analysis and visualization

  • ObjectiveImplement automation in data analysis and visualization
  • Key ResultCreate an automated data visualization tool generating 3 visually impacting reports weekly
  • TaskIdentify key data points for weekly visualization
  • TaskDesign three types of impactful report templates
  • TaskProgram automation for weekly report generation
  • Key ResultSuccessfully automate 50% of routine data analysis tasks to increase efficiency
  • TaskImplement and test chosen automation tools
  • TaskIdentify routine data analysis tasks suitable for automation
  • TaskResearch and select relevant automation software
  • Key ResultDevelop a robust data cleaning and pre-processing automation script by the end of Q1
  • TaskDesign algorithm for automation script
  • TaskImplement and test the automation script
  • TaskIdentify necessary data cleaning and preprocessing steps

OKRs to implement a new CI/CD platform for seamless software deployment and delivery

  • ObjectiveImplement a new CI/CD platform for seamless software deployment and delivery
  • Key ResultConfigure and successfully integrate the chosen CI/CD platform with the existing development toolchain
  • TaskIntegrate the CI/CD platform with version control systems and build automation tools
  • TaskTest the integration to ensure a seamless workflow within the existing development toolchain
  • TaskSet up and configure the chosen CI/CD platform to align with the development toolchain
  • TaskResearch and select an appropriate CI/CD platform for the existing development toolchain
  • Key ResultIdentify and evaluate at least three potential CI/CD platforms based on specific criteria
  • Key ResultImprove the average deployment time by 30% through automation and optimization efforts
  • TaskOptimize server and network configurations to speed up deployment and improve efficiency
  • TaskAutomate manual tasks during deployment process to reduce time and human errors
  • TaskImplement continuous integration system to streamline software deployment process
  • TaskIdentify and remove bottlenecks in the current deployment workflow
  • Key ResultIncrease deployment frequency by 50% compared to the previous quarter, with zero critical production incidents

OKRs to implement runtime configurability of features

  • ObjectiveImplement runtime configurability of features
  • Key ResultTrain 90% of the team on configuring features at runtime to ensure efficient usage
  • TaskSchedule and conduct requisite training sessions
  • TaskIdentify team members needing training in runtime configuration
  • TaskDevelop comprehensive training materials and exercises
  • Key ResultDevelop a viable prototype for a configurable environment by end of week 6
  • TaskConstruct initial prototype based on design specs
  • TaskTest and refine the prototype for viable usage
  • TaskCreate basic design specifications for the configurable environment
  • Key ResultTest and implement 75% of identified features for run time configurability
  • TaskImplement and verify tested features
  • TaskReview and list identified features for runtime configurability
  • TaskDevelop strategies for testing selected features

OKRs to enhance the architecture of accounting, financial, and tax processes

  • ObjectiveEnhance the architecture of accounting, financial, and tax processes
  • Key ResultAchieve at least a 15% increased in efficacy in financial reporting
  • TaskProvide thorough training for staff on financial reporting
  • TaskStandardize reporting templates and process
  • TaskImplement advanced financial management software
  • Key ResultImplement a new, streamlined accounting system capable of reducing process time by 30%
  • TaskTrain staff on the new accounting system
  • TaskIdentify inefficiencies in the current accounting system
  • TaskProcure or design a streamlined accounting software
  • Key ResultSuccessfully complete 100% of financial and tax process updates without disrupting business operations
  • TaskTest updates during low-impact business hours
  • TaskRegularly review existing financial and tax processes
  • TaskDevelop and implement necessary process updates

OKRs to improve software engineering skills through effective time management

  • ObjectiveImprove software engineering skills through effective time management
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of completed coding tasks by 20% each week
  • TaskIdentify and address any obstacles or challenges that may hinder coding task completion
  • TaskEnhance collaboration and communication among team members for efficient task completion
  • TaskProvide regular feedback and support to assist in completing coding tasks
  • TaskSet clear and achievable coding task goals for each team member
  • Key ResultImprove adherence to project deadlines by delivering work on time in 90% of cases
  • TaskImplement effective communication strategies to address obstacles and ensure timely completion
  • TaskSet clear and realistic deadlines for each project task
  • TaskPrioritize tasks and create a detailed schedule to ensure timely delivery
  • TaskRegularly track progress and provide updates to stakeholders to maintain accountability
  • Key ResultReduce time spent on non-essential activities by 15% during work hours
  • TaskSet specific time limits for non-essential tasks to ensure efficient completion
  • TaskPrioritize and eliminate non-essential activities based on their impact and importance
  • TaskIdentify non-essential activities taking up significant time during work hours
  • TaskRegularly assess and adjust the allocation of time to non-essential activities as needed
  • Key ResultAttend and actively participate in at least 2 time management workshops or webinars
  • TaskResearch and identify 2 time management workshops or webinars
  • TaskApply the learned time management techniques in daily activities for improved efficiency
  • TaskTake thorough notes during the workshops or webinars for future reference
  • TaskRegister for the selected workshops or webinars to secure a spot

OKRs to enhance SaaS product development in our Tribe team

  • ObjectiveEnhance SaaS product development in our Tribe team
  • Key ResultReduce client-reported bugs by 15%
  • TaskIncrease staff training on bug prevention and detection
  • TaskReview current client bug reporting system for improvements
  • TaskImprove software testing methods before releasing
  • Key ResultIncrease new feature releases by 20%
  • TaskPrioritize features based on user demand and feasibility
  • TaskImplement more efficient project management strategies
  • TaskBoost development team's productivity through trainings
  • Key ResultImprove customer retention rate by 10%
  • TaskEnhance customer service training for staff
  • TaskImprove response times to customer inquiries
  • TaskImplement a loyalty program rewarding regular customers

OKRs to achieve promotion to software engineer 3

  • ObjectiveAchieve promotion to software engineer 3
  • Key ResultComplete advanced software development certification
  • Key ResultMentor and provide guidance to junior software engineers
  • TaskSchedule regular one-on-one meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and career goals
  • TaskOffer constructive feedback and actionable suggestions for improvement on their code
  • TaskActively involve them in meaningful projects to gain real-world experience and build confidence
  • TaskProvide resources and recommend learning opportunities to enhance their technical skills
  • Key ResultReceive positive performance reviews from team members and supervisors
  • TaskRegularly check in with team members and supervisors to receive feedback and updates
  • TaskActively listen to team members and supervisors, and address any concerns or suggestions
  • TaskSet clear and measurable goals with team members and supervisors
  • TaskContinuously improve skills and knowledge through training and professional development opportunities
  • Key ResultDeliver three high-impact software projects successfully
  • TaskImplement effective project management methodologies to ensure efficient coordination and communication
  • TaskDefine clear project goals, timelines, and deliverables for each software project
  • TaskAssemble a skilled and dedicated team with the necessary expertise for each project
  • TaskRegularly monitor and evaluate progress, making adjustments as needed to meet project objectives

OKRs to enhance user experience for increased software engagement

  • ObjectiveEnhance user experience for increased software engagement
  • Key ResultDecrease software response time by 30%
  • TaskOptimize code to reduce complexity and redundant processes
  • TaskUpgrade server hardware to improve processing speed
  • TaskImplement effective caching strategies for data retrieval
  • Key ResultAchieve 90% customer satisfaction rate on usability of our software
  • TaskDevelop user-friendly interface providing intuitive navigation
  • TaskProvide swift, professional customer support and resolution
  • TaskImplement frequent, targeted user testing for regular improvements
  • Key ResultImplement 5 new user-requested features into software interface
  • TaskDevelop and code the selected features into software interface
  • TaskPrioritize top 5 user-requested features based on feasibility and impact
  • TaskTest and debug new features before final implementation

OKRs to enhance software and component quality

  • ObjectiveEnhance software and component quality
  • Key ResultExecute 100% of planned quality assurance tests to identify and fix bugs
  • TaskAnalyze test results and correct identified bugs
  • TaskConduct all preassigned tests thoroughly
  • TaskReview the lineup of planned quality assurance tests
  • Key ResultIncrease user satisfaction by improving software usability by 20%
  • TaskImplement improvements based on user feedback
  • TaskIdentify user pain points through feedback surveys
  • TaskContinuously test software for user experience enhancements
  • Key ResultDecrease software component's failure rate by 15%
  • TaskConduct regular maintenance and updates to improve stability
  • TaskEmploy advanced debugging tools to spot and fix errors
  • TaskImplement rigorous software component testing at varying stress levels

OKRs to achieve proficiency in full-stack development with nestjs, React, and dynamodb

  • ObjectiveAchieve proficiency in full-stack development with nestjs, React, and dynamodb
  • Key ResultComplete a comprehensive course on nestjs with a test score of 85% or above
  • TaskIdentify and enroll in a comprehensive NestJS course
  • TaskComplete all course modules and perform regular revisions
  • TaskPractice and prepare thoroughly for the test
  • Key ResultDevelop a complex application module using React ensuring no major bugs
  • TaskDesign a detailed plan for the React application module
  • TaskPerform rigorous testing and debugging
  • TaskDevelop the module thoroughly following outlined plan
  • Key ResultSuccessfully implement 2 relevant dynamodb projects with optimal performance and efficiency
  • TaskDefine project goals, scope and criteria for optimized DynamoDB usage
  • TaskDesign, develop and debug the DynamoDB projects
  • TaskTest, optimize, and launch the projects

OKRs to master JavaScript fundamentals and apply them in real-life coding projects

  • ObjectiveMaster JavaScript fundamentals and apply them in real-life coding projects
  • Key ResultParticipate in at least one coding challenge or competition focused on JavaScript
  • Key ResultComplete online JavaScript course with a score of 90% or higher
  • TaskRegularly practice writing JavaScript code and complete coding exercises provided in the course
  • TaskEnroll in the online JavaScript course and familiarize yourself with the curriculum
  • TaskSet aside dedicated study time each day to consistently work through the course materials
  • TaskTake the practice quizzes and review any areas of weakness to ensure understanding
  • Key ResultDevelop and deploy a functional JavaScript application independently
  • TaskIdentify user requirements and define the scope of the JavaScript application
  • TaskDeploy the JavaScript application on the desired platform and perform final testing
  • TaskWrite and test the JavaScript code to ensure the application's functionality
  • TaskDesign and prototype the application's user interface and functionality
  • Key ResultContribute to an open-source JavaScript project by submitting at least two pull requests
  • TaskFork the project repository and branch off to make changes for the pull requests
  • TaskSubmit the pull requests with clear documentation and thorough explanation of the changes
  • TaskFind an open-source JavaScript project on platforms like GitHub or GitLab
  • TaskIdentify two areas for improvement or new features in the chosen project

OKRs to integrate two applications seamlessly

  • ObjectiveIntegrate two applications seamlessly
  • Key ResultImprove user experience by reducing the average response time by 15%
  • Key ResultIncrease data transfer accuracy between applications by 20%
  • TaskConduct regular performance testing and optimization measures on the applications
  • TaskOptimize network infrastructure for faster and more reliable data transmission
  • TaskImplement data validation checks in the application code
  • TaskImprove error handling and logging mechanism for data transfer failures
  • Key ResultReduce integration errors by implementing automated testing, resulting in a 30% decrease in bugs
  • TaskAnalyze and address the root causes of integration errors to prevent future occurrences
  • TaskRegularly update and maintain the automated test suite to match system changes
  • TaskImplement a continuous integration process to detect integration errors early on
  • TaskDevelop automated tests for integration scenarios to ensure proper functionality
  • Key ResultAchieve a 95% success rate in processing transactions between the integrated applications

OKRs to elevate programming skills to become a senior programmer

  • ObjectiveElevate programming skills to become a senior programmer
  • Key ResultObtain proficiency in at least three advanced programming languages
  • TaskParticipate in coding challenges or hackathons to apply and showcase your proficiency
  • TaskPractice coding regularly to strengthen your skills in advanced programming languages
  • TaskCollaborate with experienced programmers or join forums to gain insights and guidance
  • TaskEnroll in online courses or tutorials to learn advanced programming languages
  • Key ResultLead the successful completion of a complex software development project
  • TaskDefine clear project goals, deliverables, and timeline with the project team
  • TaskFoster effective communication and collaboration among team members throughout the project
  • TaskRegularly monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and take proactive steps to mitigate risks
  • TaskIdentify and allocate appropriate resources to each phase of the software development project
  • Key ResultRegularly receive positive feedback and recognition from team members and supervisors
  • TaskFoster a positive team environment by recognizing and appreciating the achievements of team members
  • TaskContinue to improve skills and performance to enhance the likelihood of receiving positive feedback
  • TaskAcknowledge and express gratitude for positive feedback and recognition received from others
  • TaskActively seek feedback from team members and supervisors on a regular basis
  • Key ResultMentor and guide junior programmers to enhance their technical abilities

OKRs to successfully implement a new importer tool

  • ObjectiveSuccessfully implement a new importer tool
  • Key ResultComplete development and initial testing for the tool within eight weeks
  • TaskSchedule and allocate work hours for tool development
  • TaskFinalize development by end of week eight
  • TaskPerform initial testing within the seventh week
  • Key ResultFinalize tool design and specifications within the first four weeks
  • TaskReview existing tool design and make necessary modifications
  • TaskObtain approval for finalized design and specifications
  • TaskDetermine precise tool specifications
  • Key ResultAchieve successful deployment and integration into the system within twelve weeks
  • TaskDevelop a detailed project roadmap for system deployment and integration
  • TaskConduct weekly progress checks to identify potential roadblocks early
  • TaskAssign roles and allocate resources to ensure workload distribution

OKRs to improve code quality through effective code reviews

  • ObjectiveImprove code quality through effective code reviews
  • Key ResultReduce average time taken to complete code reviews
  • TaskSet clear expectations and guidelines for code reviews
  • TaskUse automated tools for code analysis and review to enhance efficiency
  • TaskImplement a peer review process to streamline code reviews
  • TaskProvide regular code review training sessions for team members
  • Key ResultImplement and track improvements in code review feedback incorporation rate
  • TaskConduct a survey to collect feedback from developers on barriers to incorporating code review feedback
  • TaskAnalyze the survey results to identify the common barriers to incorporating code review feedback
  • TaskImplement a tracking system to monitor and measure the improvements in code review feedback incorporation rate
  • TaskDevelop a training program to address the identified barriers and improve feedback incorporation rate
  • Key ResultIncrease team members' satisfaction with code review process
  • Key ResultIncrease average number of bugs caught through code review per week

OKRs to increase programmer productivity, quality, and happiness through the use of AI Tools

  • ObjectiveIncrease programmer productivity, quality, and happiness through the use of AI Tools
  • Key ResultImprove programmer productivity by decreasing the time spent on repetitive tasks by 15%
  • TaskDevelop standardized templates and guidelines to ensure consistency and eliminate redundant work
  • TaskProvide training to enhance programmers' skills and efficiency in relevant areas
  • TaskImplement task automation tools to eliminate repetitive manual tasks
  • TaskStreamline code review process for quicker feedback and reduced rework time
  • Key ResultIncrease the adoption rate of AI Tools among programmers by 25%
  • Key ResultIncrease code quality by reducing the number of bugs found in production by 20%
  • TaskImplement code reviews and pair programming to catch bugs earlier
  • TaskProvide comprehensive documentation and clear comments throughout the codebase
  • TaskInvest in automated testing tools to identify and prevent bugs more efficiently
  • TaskConduct thorough testing and debugging before deploying code to production
  • Key ResultBoost programmer happiness by increasing their satisfaction score in the quarterly survey by 10%

OKRs to successfully launch the Minimum Viable Product for Product Information Management

  • ObjectiveSuccessfully launch the Minimum Viable Product for Product Information Management
  • Key ResultRelease the PIM MVP to at least 100 initial users for beta testing
  • TaskFinalize MVP of the PIM software for release
  • TaskIdentify and invite 100 initial beta testers
  • TaskDeploy MVP to the selected beta testers
  • Key ResultObtain a 75% positive response rate from initial user testing and feedback
  • TaskDevelop user-friendly, engaging testing protocols
  • TaskIncentivize participants to promote response rates
  • TaskFollow-up consistently with participants for feedback
  • Key ResultComplete development of core features for the MVP by 60% progress on the project timeline
  • TaskAllocate tasks to the development team
  • TaskReview and monitor team's progress regularly
  • TaskDefine required core features for the MVP

OKRs to achieve quicker releases of the real estate application through automation

  • ObjectiveAchieve quicker releases of the real estate application through automation
  • Key ResultReduce bugs by 30% using automated testing tools and practices
  • TaskTrain the team on effective automated testing practices
  • TaskRegularly review and improve testing procedures
  • TaskImplement automated testing tools in the development process
  • Key ResultIncrease deployment frequency by 50% by optimizing the CI/CD pipeline
  • TaskImplement performance monitoring for continuous optimization
  • TaskReview and streamline the existing CI/CD pipeline
  • TaskAutomate tests to reduce bottleneck issues
  • Key ResultImplement an automated roll-back system to minimize downtime by 40%
  • TaskSelect and purchase appropriate roll-back system software
  • TaskResearch available automated roll-back system platforms
  • TaskTrain staff on roll-back system operations and procedures

OKRs to achieve consistent delivery of a high-quality application

  • ObjectiveAchieve consistent delivery of a high-quality application
  • Key ResultIncrease weekly cadence of successful application releases by 20%
  • TaskIntegrate automated testing for faster bug detection
  • TaskImplement more efficient software development methodologies
  • TaskEnhance collaboration among development teams
  • Key ResultDecrease application issues reported post-release by 30%
  • TaskImplement a comprehensive quality assurance and testing process
  • TaskPrioritize regular updates and patches post-release
  • TaskEnhance pre-release user acceptance testing
  • Key ResultEnhance user satisfaction ratings on the application by improving it by 25%
  • TaskDevelop and launch new desired features
  • TaskPrioritize and address reported bugs and glitches
  • TaskImplement frequent customer surveys to gather user feedback

OKRs to accelerate product scalability for multi-tenant utilization

  • ObjectiveAccelerate product scalability for multi-tenant utilization
  • Key ResultIncrease software load capacity by at least 20% to handle increased users
  • TaskOptimize software code to enhance efficiency
  • TaskEvaluate current server capabilities and identify limitations
  • TaskUpgrade or add additional servers to bolster capacity
  • Key ResultDevelop and test five new multi-tenant friendly features for our product
  • TaskDesign and develop five new features based on the research
  • TaskConduct market research to identify potential multi-tenant friendly features
  • TaskExecute thorough testing of these features before release
  • Key ResultAchieve 100% bug-free certification for our multi-tenant product construction
  • TaskConduct thorough and regular product performance testing
  • TaskImplement quick, effective bug-fixing procedures
  • TaskInvest in quality assurance training for the team

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.