15 OKR examples for Conversion Rate

Writing good OKRs can be hard, especially if it's your first time doing it. You'll need to center the focus of your plans around outcomes instead of projects.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Conversion Rate to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

The rules of OKRs are simple. Quarterly OKRs should be tracked weekly, and yearly OKRs should be tracked monthly.

We recommend using a spreadsheet for your first OKRs cycle. You'll need to get familiar with the scoring and tracking first. Then, you can scale your OKRs process by using a proper OKRs-tracking tool for it.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Conversion Rate OKRs templates

The examples have Conversion Rate Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to boost sign-ups conversion to reach a 50% paying customer rate

  • ObjectiveBoost sign-ups conversion to reach a 50% paying customer rate
  • Key ResultImplement 2 high-converting strategies targeted at sign-ups each month
  • TaskMonitor and measure strategy performance
  • TaskResearch and select effective strategies for sign-ups
  • TaskOutline a plan for strategy implementation
  • Key ResultIncrease the website conversion rate by 10% each month
  • TaskOptimize website layout for easier navigation and usability
  • TaskImplement effective call-to-action buttons on web pages
  • TaskRun A/B tests to improve landing pages performance
  • Key ResultReduce the signup to paying customer cycle by 15%
  • TaskImprove onboarding to highlight product benefits
  • TaskImplement immediate upsell strategies post-signup
  • TaskSimplify the sign-up process to minimize hurdles
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to enhance Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) conversion rates

  • ObjectiveEnhance Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) conversion rates
  • Key ResultImprove the checkout process, reducing cart abandonment by 15%
  • TaskImplement abandoned cart email reminders to incentivize completion
  • TaskOptimize loading speed at checkout page for efficiency
  • TaskSimplify site navigation to allow easy checkout process
  • Key ResultImplement targeted marketing campaigns to boost customer engagement by 30%
  • TaskIdentify key demographics for targeted marketing strategies
  • TaskDevelop tailored marketing campaigns for each demographic
  • TaskTrack and monitor customer engagement metrics regularly
  • Key ResultIncrease DTC site traffic by 20% through optimized SEO strategies
  • TaskRegularly update site with fresh, SEO-optimized content
  • TaskOptimize website content for identified SEO keywords
  • TaskPerform keyword research for high-traffic and industry-related terms

OKRs to boost website conversion rate

  • ObjectiveBoost website conversion rate
  • Key ResultImplement A/B testing to improve call-to-action and uplift conversions by 10%
  • TaskDesign and implement a different version of CTA
  • TaskIdentify key elements in your current CTA for A/B testing
  • TaskAnalyze test results, and apply improvements
  • Key ResultReduce website load time for 20% increased visitor retention
  • TaskImplement browser caching for recurring visitors
  • TaskMinimize HTTP requests for a faster response time
  • TaskOptimize images and videos on the website for quicker loading
  • Key ResultImprove landing page design to increase user engagement by 15%
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to identify effective changes
  • TaskReduce load time for improved user experience
  • TaskEnhance visuals for a more appealing and intuitive design

OKRs to boost website conversion rate to 1%

  • ObjectiveBoost website conversion rate to 1%
  • Key ResultDevelop and launch a targeted marketing campaign to drive 25% more traffic
  • TaskConduct market research to identify target audience behavior and preferences
  • TaskDevelop compelling content and marketing materials tailored to target audience
  • TaskLaunch the campaign using selected media outlets and digital platforms
  • Key ResultImprove site layout and user experience to increase user engagement by 20%
  • TaskImplement responsive web design for optimal viewing across devices
  • TaskDevelop intuitive navigation and clear call-to-action signs
  • TaskConduct user surveys to identify usability problems and areas for improvement
  • Key ResultImplement A/B testing to optimize conversion-driving elements, improving conversions by 15%
  • TaskSet up A/B testing for these identified elements
  • TaskAnalyze results and apply successful changes
  • TaskIdentify key elements impacting user conversion rates

OKRs to enhance website visibility and conversion rate

  • ObjectiveEnhance website visibility and conversion rate
  • Key ResultImprove search engine ranking to top 10
  • Key ResultBoost conversion rate by 15%
  • TaskInitiate personalized email marketing campaigns
  • TaskOptimize website for mobile user experience
  • TaskImplement advanced analytics to track customer behavior
  • Key ResultIncrease organic website traffic by 25%
  • TaskImplement SEO best practices to improve search engine rankings
  • TaskCreate engaging, unique, keyword-rich content
  • TaskPromote website on social media platforms for wider reach

OKRs to improve content conversion rates through A/B testing

  • ObjectiveIncrease content conversion rates through A/B testing
  • Key ResultReduce bounce rate by 10% on tested content
  • Key ResultRun 10 A/B tests on website content
  • Key ResultAchieve a 15% increase in conversion rate
  • Key ResultImplement winning variations on all website content

OKRs to improve conversion rate by 20% with landing page optimization and A/B testing

  • ObjectiveIncrease website conversion rate with page optimization and testing
  • Key ResultCreate at least one new compelling CTA to test, resulting in 25% higher clicks
  • Key ResultIncrease page clarity with simplified copy, resulting in 15% higher engagement
  • Key ResultIncrease website traffic by 10% through targeted SEO and paid advertising
  • Key ResultImprove landing page load time by 10%

OKRs to increase the conversion rate of BDR-generated leads into sales opportunities by 25%

  • ObjectiveBoost BDR-generated lead conversion rate by 25%
  • Key ResultImplement personalized and timely follow-up for all leads
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of demos by BDRs for better lead nurturing
  • Key ResultOptimize landing pages to ensure an easy and quick conversion process
  • Key ResultImprove sales pitch training to increase lead engagement and closing rate

OKRs to increase conversion rate of pre-launch leads for pre-orders by 10%

  • ObjectiveIncrease conversion rate of pre-launch leads for pre-orders by 10%
  • Key ResultImplement a personalized follow-up strategy to improve conversion rate by 20%
  • TaskMonitor, analyze, and adjust strategy accordingly
  • TaskIdentify customer behaviors influencing conversion rates
  • TaskDevelop a customized follow-up communication plan
  • Key ResultCreate an exclusive pre-order incentive program driving 30% more pre-orders
  • TaskStart aggressive marketing campaign focusing on pre-order benefits
  • TaskDevelop exclusive pre-order incentives such as discounts or freebies
  • TaskTrack and analyze the success rate of the program
  • Key ResultEnhance lead nurturing process to achieve 15% increase in engagement
  • TaskImplement personalized email marketing campaigns
  • TaskIncorporate interactive engagement tools in outreach efforts
  • TaskEducate leads with quality, relevant content

OKRs to increase transaction volume

  • ObjectiveIncrease transaction volume
  • Key ResultEnhance customer retention by 3%
  • Key ResultIncrease customer acquisition by 5%
  • TaskLaunch targeted advertising campaigns to reach a wider audience
  • TaskImplement referral programs to incentivize current customers to refer others
  • TaskOffer exclusive promotions and discounts to attract new customers
  • TaskImprove website design and usability for better customer experience
  • Key ResultExpand product awareness by reaching 10,000 additional potential customers
  • TaskHost virtual webinars or workshops to educate and engage with potential customers
  • TaskRun targeted social media ads to promote the product to new potential customers
  • TaskUtilize search engine optimization techniques to increase organic reach and visibility
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers to create sponsored content showcasing the product's benefits
  • Key ResultImprove conversion rate by 2%
  • TaskCreate compelling and concise call-to-action buttons and messaging
  • TaskAnalyze user feedback and make necessary improvements to enhance user experience
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to determine most effective design and content variations
  • TaskOptimize website layout and navigation for easier user flow

OKRs to enhance app experience through the implementation of product design best practices

  • ObjectiveEnhance app experience through the implementation of product design best practices
  • Key ResultReduce app bounce rate by 15% by optimizing loading speeds and intuitive navigation
  • Key ResultIncrease user satisfaction rating by 10% through UI/UX improvements
  • TaskAnalyze user satisfaction data regularly to identify trends and prioritize future UI/UX enhancements
  • TaskConduct user research to identify pain points and areas for improvement
  • TaskImplement user feedback loop to continuously gather insights and address user concerns promptly
  • TaskCollaborate with UI/UX designers to enhance visual appeal and streamline navigation
  • Key ResultAchieve 20% increase in daily active users by simplifying onboarding and feature accessibility
  • Key ResultEnhance conversion rate by 10% through A/B testing and iterative design iterations

OKRs to double Accelerator's demo call volume

  • ObjectiveDouble Accelerator's demo call volume
  • Key ResultIncrease leads pipeline by 40% through targeted marketing campaigns
  • TaskIdentify key demographics for targeted marketing campaigns
  • TaskImplement campaigns and track conversion rates
  • TaskDevelop compelling and personalized advertising content
  • Key ResultImprove demo call schedule efficiency by 20% to host more calls
  • TaskPrioritize and batch similar demo calls together
  • TaskImplement time-saving tools to automate the scheduling process
  • TaskReduce unnecessary call duration by streamlining demo content
  • Key ResultElevate conversion rate of leads to demo calls by 30%
  • TaskEnhance demo call scripts to better engage leads
  • TaskImplement a targeted follow-up strategy for all leads
  • TaskInvest in additional conversion rate optimization tools

OKRs to increase inbound discovery calls through an evergreen funnel test

  • ObjectiveIncrease inbound discovery calls through an evergreen funnel test
  • Key ResultImprove the conversion rate of the funnel test by 15%
  • TaskImplement A/B testing for improved customer interaction
  • TaskAnalyze current funnel performance and identify weak points
  • TaskTailor content to target audience's needs and interests
  • Key ResultAttract 30% more organic traffic to the funnel landing page
  • TaskRegularly publish high-quality, keyword-rich content
  • TaskImplement and optimize SEO strategies on the landing page
  • TaskPromote the landing page through social media platforms
  • Key ResultAchieve a 20% increase in inbound discovery calls within the quarter
  • TaskBoost social media advertisements and engagement
  • TaskDevelop and implement nuanced inbound marketing strategies
  • TaskEnhance SEO efforts for increased online visibility

OKRs to boost Productivity & Results of KOL Marketing

  • ObjectiveBoost Productivity & Results of KOL Marketing
  • Key ResultDecrease operation costs by 10% by implementing automation in KOL management
  • TaskResearch and select appropriate automation tools
  • TaskIdentify processes in KOL management that can be automated
  • TaskTrain staff and implement automation tools
  • Key ResultIncrease KOL engagement rates by 20% enhancing content quality
  • Key ResultImprove conversion rate from KOL initiatives by 15% through strategic targeting
  • TaskDevelop tailored messaging for target demographics
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to optimize results
  • TaskIdentify key KOLs with highest engagement rates

OKRs to maximize AI consulting services revenue

  • ObjectiveMaximize AI consulting services revenue
  • Key ResultAchieve a 20% increase in the conversion rate from leads to paying clients
  • TaskProvide personalized follow-up communications to address specific client needs and enhance conversion rates
  • TaskAnalyze the current lead nurturing process and identify areas for improvement
  • TaskImplement targeted email marketing campaigns to engage leads and drive conversions
  • TaskOptimize website landing pages to enhance user experience and encourage conversions
  • Key ResultReduce customer churn rate by 10% by improving customer satisfaction and retention strategies
  • TaskOffer loyalty programs and incentives to encourage customer loyalty and reduce churn rate
  • TaskEnhance product/service quality through constant monitoring and prompt resolution of customer feedback
  • TaskImplement personalized customer support strategies to enhance engagement and build stronger relationships
  • TaskConduct customer satisfaction surveys to identify pain points and areas for improvement
  • Key ResultIncrease the average contract value by 15% through upselling and cross-selling
  • TaskIdentify top-selling products/services and create bundled packages to increase cross-selling opportunities
  • TaskAnalyze customer purchase history and behavior to develop personalized upsell/cross-sell recommendations
  • TaskTrain sales team on effective upselling techniques and provide them with updated product knowledge
  • TaskImplement targeted marketing campaigns to educate customers on the benefits of upselling and cross-selling
  • Key ResultAcquire 10 new clients by implementing targeted marketing campaigns and referrals
  • TaskEncourage existing clients to refer new clients by offering incentives or rewards
  • TaskDesign and launch a social media ad campaign to attract new clients
  • TaskCreate a list of potential clients by analyzing the target market demographics
  • TaskDevelop personalized email campaigns to reach out to potential clients

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.